How to lose 5 kg? 3 ways to improve your figure

What to do to lose 5 kg? If this is your goal, we want to show you how you can achieve it without restrictive diets, starvation or murderous workouts. We have 3 simple and proven ways to do this. Weight is not only about numbers, but also about your better health and well-being. Find out what to do to improve the appearance of your figure in an effective and safe way. Follow our tips and see how to lose 5 kg in a month in a healthy way – is it even possible?

What happens in your body when you lose weight?

Weight loss is a process that involves gradual weight loss. It’s obvious. However, many people think that it is only about burning fat.

If you are still asking yourself how to lose 5 kg quickly, you need to know that losing unwanted folds is not the only change that occurs in your body during reduction. When you get rid of extra pounds, you lose not only fat, but also water and, unfortunately, some muscle mass. That is why it is so important to approach this process wisely.

How to lose 5 kg quickly – without exercise, without cooking and preferably in a week? Have you ever tried to find an answer to this or any other similar question? If so, you have certainly come across various types of juice detoxes, fasting or vegetable and fruit diets. Starvation and restrictive menus that promise spectacular results often do more harm than good.

Such methods can actually lead to rapid weight loss, but (as we wrote) not from body fat, but mainly from water, intestinal contents and your muscles – and that’s not what you want, right?

Remember that food is not just about calories. It is also the essential nutrients that are found in it – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. You can’t deliver them “out of thin air”, so even if you’re still wondering what diet to lose 5 kg may be the most effective, it’s certainly not the one based on restrictive restrictions.

A better question than “how to lose 5 kg in 2 weeks?” is “how to lose 5 kg in 3 months?”. A reduction diet planned for a longer period of time will allow you to make lifestyle changes that will be permanent and less invasive to the body.

Eat more vegetables

A large amount of vegetables on the plate is the secret of any reduction. They are low in calories and at the same time provide volume for meals. This can make the food itself more filling and satisfying for you.

The key ingredient of vegetables in the context of weight loss is dietary fiber. Fiber aids digestion, stabilizes blood glucose (sugar) levels, and helps keep you feeling fuller longer after a meal. We must also mention that vegetables provide valuable vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are essential for the proper functioning of your body.

Remember – to get the best results in weight loss, it is worth composing meals from vegetables in combination with lean sources of protein, wholegrain cereal products and healthy fats.

Although in many menus “how to lose 5 kg in a month” you will find a suggestion to eat a bowl of lettuce without any additives (for faster reduction), remember that it will not be a good and healthy choice. It is much better to bet on an exemplary meal from the Glow Up box diet: cottage cheese (lean protein), pure-grain bread (complex carbohydrates), a solid portion of vegetables with olive oil (healthy fats).

Bet on whole grain cereal products

Reduction diet, so what? Healthy caloric deficit. Okay, so how can whole grain cereal products relate to this?

If you’ve ever glanced at food labels, you may have also noticed that white bread provides a similar amount of calories as wholemeal bread, and white wheat flour provides the same amount of calories as wholemeal bread. The same is true of white and brown rice and instant and mountain cereals. The differences in calorific value are small, one could say insignificant.

So, how can choosing whole grains contribute to you losing weight?

Wholegrain cereal products have a low GI and provide more dietary fiber, thanks to the fact that they are not cleaned of grain husks during the production process. As we wrote, in the case of vegetables, fiber is a factor that is responsible for the satiety of meals. You will get hungry much later if you eat a wholemeal slice of bread with cottage cheese than, for example, a kaiser roll with jam.

In addition, wholegrain cereal products (along with whole grains) provide higher amounts of vitamins and minerals – e.g. B vitamins or magnesium.

This will help you avoid the urge to snack, you will not be bothered by rumbling in your stomach and it will be easier to maintain a calorie deficit.

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