Physical activity is one of the most important principles of healthy weight loss. Remember that weight loss is not only about dieting. Thanks to physical activity, the sensitivity of cells to insulin improves, the round-the-clock energy expenditure increases, and muscle tissue can also grow. The higher the muscle content in the body, the higher the basal metabolism – we can eat more and not gain weight.
Effective weight loss – what to eat?
One of the healthiest models of nutrition is the Mediterranean diet. It is based on products such as:
- whole grain cereal products
- fresh vegetables and fruit
- low-fat dairy products
- healthy fats – olive and vegetable oils added cold
- nuts, seeds
- fishes
- Seafood
- Eggs
The diet limits the consumption of red meat, e.g. beef, pork, to a few times a month. This way of eating is characterized by a moderate supply of calories, from 1800 to 2500kcal, depending on individual needs. A beneficial variant of this diet in terms of weight loss would be to choose products with a low glycemic index.
The Mediterranean diet is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, plant polyphenols and dietary fiber. Thanks to this, it will not only reduce body weight, but also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of cancer or dementia.
Miracle diets do not exist – a rational approach to obesity treatment
Contrary to the information that can be found on the Internet, miracle diets do not exist. There is no magic bullet that will cause you to lose weight without changing your current eating habits. No magic pill that causes weight loss of 20 kilograms in a week. The topic of weight loss should be approached rationally and wisely. Our behavior can have long-term, sometimes very unpleasant, consequences. I would especially like to emphasize the harmfulness of very low-energy diets such as 800, 1000 kcal. They cause greater burning of muscle tissue, and thus a decrease in the basal metabolism – daily energy expenditure at rest. This is associated with a progressive decrease in caloric demand. To put it simply – we can eat less and less so as not to gain weight. If a diet with too few calories in relation to the body’s needs is used for a long time, a vicious circle appears. The scheme looks something like this: someone wants to lose weight quickly. He searches for the 1000 kcal diet on the Internet and starts using it. At first, there is delight. During the first week, 2.5 kg was lost. Within the next one, it was already 2 kg. Weight loss gradually slows down. After a few months, despite a very restrictive diet, the body weight no longer drops. What’s more, it is starting to grow. Increasing the calorie intake to 1500 kcal, which a few months ago would have been effective for reduction, now causes weight gain. There was a large decrease in muscle tissue and a slowdown in metabolism. The body has adapted to eating microportions. Deficiencies of ingredients such as fats, vitamins and minerals appear. Fatigue is growing. Each attempt to return to normal nutrition ends up with extra kilograms. The yo-yo effect occurs. Not only was all the effort in vain, but there was also a surplus of kilograms. The lost ones came back, and the extra ones appeared. The process of getting out of this state takes years. Under the care of an experienced dietitian, you can repair the damage caused, but it requires patience and commitment.
Weight loss diet – calorie content of meals and calorie deficit
In order to adjust the calorie content of the diet, the individual energy demand should be calculated. For this purpose, it is best to go to a dietician who will determine them using body composition analysis on a special device. It shows,, the content of adipose tissue, muscle tissue, basal metabolism. Rarely will a caloric value below 1500 kcal per day be recommended. The basic energy requirement is multiplied by the physical activity index to calculate the round-the-clock demand (the number of kcal burned throughout the day). To lose a kilogram per week, about 1000 kcal should be subtracted from this value. For example, the dietician estimated the total daily energy requirement of the patient at 2800 kcal. In order to reduce kg per week, the calorie content of the menu should be about 1800 kcal. To lose excess weight at a rate of 0.5 kg in a week, a reduction diet should be designed for 2300 kcal.
How to lose weight in a healthy way and maintain the effect?
The basis of healthy weight loss is a balanced diet that will include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. The calorific value should be adapted to individual needs. The pace of weight loss should not be too fast. The weight loss process is long-lasting. To maintain the effect, the learned healthy eating habits should stay with us permanently. Eating sweets and junk food may only be the exception, not the rule, once you reach your target weight. What most often causes the yo-yo effect is a poorly selected diet with too little calories and a return to unhealthy behaviors that previously led to the excess kilograms.