Did you know that a beautiful hairstyle is one of the determinants of attractiveness? Interestingly, not only women’s. Men with well-groomed hair are also perceived as more attractive. Unfortunately, sometimes due to the malice of “mother nature”, and often due to our own negligence not only in terms of care, but also health, hair becomes a problem instead of an attribute. Brittle, lacking shine, with split ends, and even falling out in handfuls. There are many reasons for poor hair condition and excessive hair loss. The most common are: thyroid diseases, hormonal disorders, stress, inadequate care and vitamin and mineral deficiency. It should be emphasized here that hair loss is a natural thing as long as we lose about 100 of them a day.
Which vitamins for hair loss?
The problem begins when the hair not only falls out in excess, but stops growing back. The first thing we should do then is to check our health and determine the cause of this state of affairs. The help of a specialist – a trichologist, may turn out to be unavoidable. Hair problems should not be underestimated, because their beautiful appearance is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a reflection of the condition of the entire body. So it’s no wonder that when it comes to hair problems, even the use of the best conditioners, lotions and masks doesn’t give the expected results. Only comprehensive strengthening of the hair, both on the outside and from the inside, affects good results. First of all, as it has already been said – we check our general health. Secondly – we look at our diet and enrich it with products that have a beneficial effect on the condition of our hair. Thirdly – good quality, selected conditioners and fourthly, if our body needs it – supplementation.
Vitamins that are responsible for the condition of hair and prevent hair loss are vitamin A, E and B vitamins: biotin (B7), PP (niacin, B3), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B12 (cobalamin), B6 (pyroxin). Minerals are also important: zinc, copper, iron, silicon.
- Vitamin A – participates in the growth of epithelial skin tissue and the division of hair matrix cells, thus affecting the properties of the structure of keratin – the building block of hair. Its natural sources are: apricots, kale, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, peppers, chard, spinach, dairy products, eggs, liver.
- Vitamin E – improves the functioning of blood vessels, thanks to which nutrients are more effectively delivered to hair follicles, which translates into stimulating their growth. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E protects hair follicles and hair from the adverse effects of free radicals. We can find it in vegetable oils, avocados, cereal products, nuts, almonds.
- Vitamin H – called the beauty vitamin. It supports the process of keratin formation. It strengthens hair from the inside, inhibits hair loss, and stimulates growth. It prevents seborrhea and dandruff. It protects the hair from harmful external factors. Its source is food of animal origin, egg yolks.
- Vitamin PP – stimulates blood supply to the skin and provides hair with energy for growth. Yeast, bran, fish, peanuts – these are the products that contain it.
- Vitamin B2 – prevents excessive hair loss, strengthens its resistance to harmful external factors. Foods rich in B2 include: pork, fish, beans, spinach, kale.
- Vitamin B12 – prevents greasy hair and inhibits hair loss. Natural sources: yeast, egg yolks.
- Vitamin B5 – plays an important role in cell division in the hair follicle. It is responsible for the mechanical properties of the hair and maintaining its proper hydration. You can find it in liver, fish, whole grains, meat, bananas, milk.
Beautiful, shiny and strong hair is the result of many factors. Usually, when they don’t cause problems, we don’t think about it. However, not only for the condition of your hair, but for health in general, you should remember to regularly provide your body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Preferably of natural origin. This also applies to supplementation.