Losing weight for men doesn’t have to be difficult

To be able to learn the secret of male weight loss, it is worth knowing how men gain weight. It turns out that this mechanism is slightly different from the mechanism of weight gain in women. In the case of men, the so-called abdominal obesity is very characteristic. It is in these areas that most of the fat tissue accumulates. This is the result of treating yourself to quite fatty meals and consuming a large dose of alcohol.

Why is weight reduction important?

Almost every man is a lover of home, a comfortable armchair and traditional cuisine. The effects of frequent enjoyment of scrambled eggs with bacon, roasted sausages or pork chops with cabbage can be pathetic. In men, excess kilograms are most often deposited on the abdomen, which can be a prelude to serious health problems – diabetes, heart disease or even a heart attack. You can start losing weight almost at any time! A draconian diet, causing rapid weight loss, is not the best way to regain a nice figure. Slimming down a man is a very serious and not easy task. You have to approach it rationally, because “what suddenly is the devil”. So let’s plan a long-term but effective weight loss for a man.

Abdominal fat tissue is very metabologically active, which can result, m.in, in carbohydrate metabolism disorders (increased risk of diabetes) and lipid metabolism (increased risk of heart disease and heart attack). Other health problems may also occur, including osteoarthritis, hypertension, reflux, etc. Scientific studies show that weight reduction of as little as 5% of the initial weight reduces the risk of diabetes, heart attack or stroke, as well as relieves the spine, improves well-being and increases motivation for further action. So for a good start, it is enough to lose 5 kg.

How many calories does a non-slimming and slimming guy need?

A man’s daily caloric intake depends on his age, weight, health condition and level of physical activity. On average, it is about 3000 kcal per day. However, if a man has a sedentary job, drives a car, and avoids sports like the plague, such a large supply of energy will quickly lead him to overweight or even obesity. A diet for a guy should not be too drastic (“1000 kcal” diets are definitely not suitable here). Research shows that most very strict diets usually end in failure. On the other hand, to achieve the intended effect, the diet should not be too caloric. Therefore, the most effective diet will be one that assumes a daily calorie deficit of 500-1000 kcal. In this situation, in addition to using norms, it is good to check how many calories the guy actually consumes during the whole day (Attention! If it arrives at night, this must be taken into account). In addition, it is important to remember to always combine the diet with regular physical activity.

A guy on a diet should definitely avoid:

  • too much meat, especially pork chops, ribs and pork knuckles
  • scrambled eggs on bacon
  • potatoes with cracklings and fries
  • bread with lard
  • fried cabbage and vegetables with omasta
  • fried sausage and other fatty grilled meats
  • hamburgers, hod-dogs
  • excess white bread
  • sweetened carbonated drinks and beer
  • sweets and excess sugar
  • A guy on a diet should definitely not avoid:
  • dark and wholemeal bread
  • fresh and cooked vegetables
  • fresh fruit
  • lean meat and cold cuts
  • fish, preferably sea fish
  • fermented milk beverages such as kefir or buttermilk
  • skim milk and cheese
  • drinking water, preferably in large quantities
  • juices squeezed from fresh fruit and vegetables

Helpful quartet

The diet of a slimming guy should also not lack the right amount of especially wholesome protein, which is also an important building block of muscle mass. Good sources of protein are milk and its products, lean meat, cold cuts or fish.

A man’s diet should also be rich in an important mineral, which is zinc. It supports metabolism and affects potency, participates in the production of male semen, prevents baldness, as well as stimulates testosterone production. Sources of zinc include meat, nuts, pumpkin seeds.

In addition to the above, the supply of omega-3 fatty acids is important. This type of fat is helpful in the effective fight against obesity and has a beneficial effect on the lipid profile. In the case of obese people, especially with abdominal (android) obesity, lipid disorders often occur, such as a reduced level of total cholesterol and LDL fraction (the so-called “bad cholesterol”). A good source of omega-3 are oily sea fish – herring, salmon or mackerel.

The diet of a slimming guy should also include L-carnitine. It has an impact on effective weight loss, as it supports the reduction of body fat without the loss of muscle tissue. Large amounts of this valuable provitamin can be found in meat and jelly products.

How to control body weight after achieving your dream figure? After completing the diet, you need to be very careful not to lead to a new increase in body weight. In the following weeks, you should gradually increase the calorie content of your daily diet (e.g. by about 200 kcal) and control your weight. At this stage, you should also not forget about regular physical activity, which is best to include in your daily schedule permanently.

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