Recipe for a light breakfast! What are the nutritional values of millet? Millet contains fats, carbohydrates (over 70% of the composition), fiber (about 8 g/100 g) and protein (there is little of it – a little over 10% – but it is characterized by high quality and digestibility).
What do we eat…
This type of groats is also a source of magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus as well as several B vitamins. It also contains polyphenols and carotenoids (neutralize free radicals) and phytic acid (lowers cholesterol).
The aforementioned groats do not contain gluten, so it will be a great component of the diet of people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
Millet pudding is also a relatively low-calorie breakfast. Prepared from the recipe below, it will contain less than 347 kcal.
How to prepare…
kcal: 346.48, protein: 3.38 g, carbohydrates: 87.72 g, fat: 6.61 g, fiber: 5.59 g
60 g millet
100 g apple chips
30 g raisins
200 g oat drink
15 g erythritol
Rinse the millet groats thoroughly under warm water. In a saucepan, mix half of the plant-based drink with about 1/3 cup of water, and then add the groats. Cook over low heat, covered, for about 20-25 minutes, until the groats become soft. If the groats absorb the liquid too quickly, add more plant-based drink or water. Put the finished groats into a bowl, add the remaining plant-based drink and erythritol, and then mix until you get a smooth mousse (you can use a blender or a hand mixer). Add the rest of the ingredients to the cooked pudding, you can also add your favorite toppings, such as cinnamon. Enjoy your meal!